
Develope Vertex AI notebooks in VS Code using GitHub codespaces and remote tunnels

There are several reasons why you might want to use VS Code to develop your Jupyter Lab notebooks in Vertex AI, such as using your favorite VS Code extensions that aren't available in Jupyer Lab. Github Copilot, data wrangler are two such extensions that come to mind. While setting up a remote development environment from your local VS Code to the running Vertex AI is feasible, there are several downsides to it, such as, managing SSH keys and accessing remote running Conda environment with the necessary permissions... In contrast, developing with remote tunnels gives the ability to connect to a remote machine, via a secure tunnel without the requirement of SSH. Vertex AI Workbench instances are development environments for the entire data science workflow. Vertex AI Workbench instances combine the best of both worlds of managed instances and user-managed instances (the latter two are being deprecated).  Here are some of the benefits of using Vertex AI Workbench instances: Ease o